Highlights 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Animal Health

Highlights 2021: Artificial Intelligence and Animal Health

BIOEPAR members share with you their highlights of the year 2021. A year still marked by the pandemic, but one in which the members of our laboratory have been very active! Each week we will share a highlight of the past year!

Research at the interface between animal health and artificial intelligence (AI) is booming. It allows us to work on new scientific fronts in animal health, to remove methodological barriers and to identify the challenges of tomorrow in agriculture. Thus, AI contributes to the diagnosis and detection of diseases, to making predictions more reliable and reducing interpretation errors, to producing more realistic representations of biological systems, to increasing the readability of computer codes for their users, to accelerating decisions and improving the accuracy of risk analyses, and finally to better targeting interventions and anticipating possible negative effects. Driven by the recent revival of interest in AI, new tools to assist detection in animal medicine and health management are emerging, opening up new horizons for health security. In turn, animal health challenges can stimulate AI research due to the specificity of the systems, data, constraints and objectives. 

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IA et SA

Positionnement de quelques thèmes de recherche en santé animale (en noir) et de méthodes d’IA utiles pour les développer (en vert). Auteure : P. Ezanno.

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 19 January 2022 | By: PE