Respiratory diseases

Epidemiology of respiratory disorders in young fattening cattle

In the Pays de la Loire region, beef production from young uncastrated male cattle is highly developed. Grouped together in buildings from the age of 6-8 months, respiratory disorders being the first health problem.

The control of these disorders covers several issues :

  • Animal health issues: better knowledge and control of respiratory disorders that degrade the performance and well-being of affected animals,
  • Public health issues: reduction in antibiotic use,
  • Socio-economic issues: improving the competitiveness of farms.

Research Program

The work carried out over the period 2006-2010 involved:

  • The development of a system to detect respiratory disorders in young cattle based on ruminal temperature monitoring (Timsit et al., 2010 Veterinary Journal, in press).
  • The evaluation of the informative value of real-time PCR for the detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus 
  • The study of the involvement of different pathogens in the occurrence of respiratory disorders in young cattle at fattening 
  • Study of the impact of respiratory disorders on the growth of young cattle (link file 3R08?)

Work in progress and prospects concern

  •     the exploration of the cellular and humoral immunity of cattle to the pathogens involved to better explain the variability of clinical expression of respiratory disorders among cattle,
  •     evaluation of the medical effectiveness and/or economic viability of curative treatment strategies
  •     consideration of genetic and immune components to explain the occurrence/resistance to respiratory diseases


Scientific partners
UMR physiopathologie et toxicologie expérimentales ENVT-INRA, UMR Mycoplasmoses des Ruminants AFSSA-ENVL, Institut de Pathologie Vétérinaire (Copenhague)
Public and professional partners
Producer organisation (URCA et groupements - CAVAC, Ter’elevage, GEO, CAM, Union Set, ARCO -), Pays de la Loire Regional Chamber of Agriculture


Sébastien Assié
Nathalie Bareille

Work in progress and prospects concern

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 05 April 2013 | By: AC