Control of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVD) Infection in Cattle

The virus responsible for the bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD)/mucosal diseases (MD) complex is the cause of significant economic losses for livestock farmers (mortality, zootechnical impact). The control of this infection has long been left to the individual farmer's initiative. For nearly 10 years, in view of these issues, collective programmes to control the spread of this pathogen have been implemented by breeders' organizations.

Research Program

Given the diversity of situations encountered (animal flow, density, uncertainty about the status of animals), ex ante evaluation of the expected efficacy of different control strategies is a major expectation of professionals. Generally speaking, the work carried out by the MODEC team aims to describe the methods of intra- and inter-herd spread of the BVD virus in order to deduce the most appropriate control measures.

The work carried out over the period 2006-2010 involved

  • Simplification of existing intra-flock propagation patterns 
  • The spread of the BVD virus within a controlled metapopulation 
  • The evaluation of different infection control strategies in a herd 
  • The impact on the regional prevalence of BVD in cattle depending on whether the proposed control plan is mandatory or voluntary 
  • The evaluation of the economic impact of new cases in livestock farming 

Work in progress and prospects concern

  • Modelling of the inter-herd diffusion of Map, based in particular on the analysis of animal movement networks
  • The evaluation by modelling of the ex ante effectiveness of different control strategies, based in particular on the management of cattle flows according to the status of the herd to which they belong.
  • The cost-benefit assessment of different control strategies, based in particular on the existence of incentive measures.


Scientific partners
Team EPID, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences
Public and professional partners
Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires (GTV) et Groupements de défense sanitaire (GDS) des régions Bretagne et Pays de la Loire


Pauline Ezanno

The work carried out over the period 2006-2010 involved

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 05 April 2013 | By: AC