Health Economics

Economical effectiveness of control strategies at the farm or regional level

This thematic field is a natural extension of the observational and predictive epidemiology work carried out by the EPID and MODEC teams and aims to identify the obstacles and levers concerning the choice between different options for control strategies and to evaluate the cost-benefit ratio in order to provide professional and/or public decision-makers with relevant information.

Work carried out during the period 2006-2010

During the period 2006-2010, the work involved :

  • The cost-benefit analysis of the use of antibacterials to treat chicken colibacillosis (>>> Chicken colibacillosis file)
  • The study of the influence of a financial incentive on the effectiveness of a collective policy of voluntary region-wide vaccination against the bovine viral diarrhoea virus, by coupling an economic model and an epidemiological model.

Ongoing Projects

The work currently being carried out by the MODEC team on the evaluation of the economic efficiency of control strategies is aimed successively at :

  • To develop a theoretical model of microeconomics in order to model the individual behaviour of breeders with regard to animal health disorders.
  • To couple this microeconomics model with epidemiological models in order to evaluate the outcome at the collective level of decisions taken in a decentralized manner.
  • Finally, to compare the results obtained using the models with the expected objectives at the regional level or for the production sectors in order to judge whether incentives should be put in place.

The application objects under study are currently :

  • In cattle, infection by the Catarrhal Ovine Fever virus, by Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis, as well as reproductive disorders.
  • In pigs, infection with PRRS (Porcine Respiratory Dysgenic Syndrome) virus and Salmonella

Within the framework of the EMIDA project, two projects are also being carried out with the following objectives:

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of alternative control strategies aimed at reducing the use of antibiotics in pigs.
  • Identification of factors affecting the choice of farmers and veterinarians regarding control strategies.


Catherine Belloc

Modification date: 05 December 2023 | Publication date: 05 April 2013 | By: AC