Alumni 2016

Alumni 2016

They left us in 2016:

Breton Eric - PhD student

Thesis: "Modelling of population immunity in pig herds" Oniris Nantes (École doctorale Biologie Santé). Thesis supervisor: C. Belloc.

Collineau Lucie - PhD student

Thesis: "Evaluation of alternatives to the use of antibiotics in European pig farms" Oniris Nantes (École doctorale Biologie Santé). Thesis supervisor: C. Belloc.

See the thesis

El Amine Bekara Mohammed - Post-Doctoral

Topic of the Post-Doc: "The economic impact of the reproductive performance of dairy cattle farms: potential benefits of automated heat detectors". It was supervised by Nathalie Bareille. From 02/03/15 to 30/06/16.

Jalovecka Marie - PhD student

Thesis: "Study of molecular interactions between the immune system of the tick Ixodes ricinus and the Protozoan Babesia" University of South Bohemia in the Czech Republic. Thesis Director: L. Malandrin.

Jean-Yves Audiart - Training and Research Technician DGER

Natural environments and rural areas. In charge of epidemiological studies

Perez Grégoire - PhD student

Thesis: "Influence of landscape on rodent communities as hosts for tick-borne diseases."

University of Rennes 1. thesis supervisor: A. Butet, BioEpAR contact: S. Bastian.

See the thesis.

Qi Luyuan - Post-Doctorate

She was working on the topic "Multi-scale modelling of the regional spread of BVD virus between cattle herds to evaluate the effectiveness of targeted and combined control strategies". She was supervised by Pauline Ezanno. She was with us from 01/09/15 to 31/12/16.

Modification date: 27 October 2023 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: AC