

Création d’un guide de bonnes pratiques adapté à la réalisation de l’enrobage d’antibiotique sur l’aliment en fermes piscicoles

Description of project

In a fish farm affected by a bacterial disease, antibiotic therapy is sometimes necessary. The oral route remains the most credible for administering a drug to a large number of fish. In the absence of a credible alternative, the coating of fish feed with the antibiotic is the preferred method in aquaculture farms. Howerver, the available data on how to do this is patchy and outdated, which can lead to misuse of antibiotics (through under-dosing, poor homogeneity of the coated feed or poor preservation). The aim of this project is to propose a suitable methodology for the production of a high quality medicated coating in aquaculture farms, taking into account the specifities of this type of production. Three phases of work are foreseen. The first will evaluate current practices in France. The second, an experimental phase, will test different strategies. The final phase will involve the development of best practice sheets to support the entire industry in the production of quality coating

Staff involved

Antoine ROSTANG (contact person), Ségolène CALVEZ, Lucie MENAGER (veterinary student)


SNGTV - fish specialists, Halieutica


EcoAntibio 2 plan

Modification date: 01 March 2024 | Publication date: 21 February 2024 | By: AR