
WiLiMan-ID - Horizon Europe 2023-2028

Ecology of Wildlife, Livestock, huMan and Infectious Diseases in changing environments

Description du projet

BIOEPAR is taking part in the European WiLiMan-ID project, led by INRAE (France) (HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-02-03-two-stage - Ecology of infectious animal diseases).

This is a research project is funded for 5 years by the Horizon Europe program and it was launched in May 2023 thanks to the contribution of 14 partners. The main objective of WiLiMan-ID is to identify key factors allowing five animal infectious diseases to spread and persist, in changing environments. The five diseases are:

  • Avian influenza
  • African swine fever
  • West-Nile fever
  • African horse sickness
  • Chronic wasting disease




WiLiMan-ID is based on an interdisciplinary approach that will integrate data at different scales, from the level of pathogens to the hosts and finally, to the community of hosts and the environment. That integrated data will provide policy makers with innovative strategies and methods for prevention, surveillance and control.

DYNAMO co-leads the project and lead WP4 which aims at identifying transmission routes and three aspects in pathogen spread: (1) the hosts' spatio-temporal distribution (including that of vectors such as ticks or mosquitoes); (2) the role of the environment (pathogens reservoirs in wildlife, impact of global change on migration routes); (3) the management practices and human activities (farming, trade, transport...).


Project leaders

Christine Citti (UMR IHAP, ENVT/INRAE), Mariette Ducatez (UMR IHAP) & Pauline Ezanno (UMR BIOEPAR, Oniris/INRAE)


INRAE (several units are involved), FR ; ENVT, FR ; IAV Hassan II, MA ; NVI, NO ; IZS Teramo, IT ; Sciensano, BE ; UCPH, DK ; SVA, SW ; BFC, AT ; FLI, DE ; ANSES, FR ; INRAE Transfert, FR ; LCV, SP ; WU-DAS, NL.

BIOEPAR members involved in the project

Pauline Ezanno, Gaël Beaunée, Sandie Arnoux, Sébastien Picault, Philippe Gontier, Léa Loisel


Pauline Ezanno


Project web site : https://www.wiliman-id.eu/


Modification date: 08 February 2024 | Publication date: 25 October 2023 | By: PE