Alumni 2017

Alumni 2017

They left us in 2017:

Ben Romdhane Racem - PhD student

Thesis: "Evaluation of strategies for the control of bovine paratuberculosis integrating genetic selection, biosecurity and exposure management in breeding" supervised by Pauline Ezanno and Christine Fourichon. His thesis (01/11/2014 - 31/10/2017) was funded by the PICSAR project (GISA meta-programme).

See the thesis.

Cat Julie - PhD student VetAgro Sup

Thesis: Integration of meteorological effects on tick activity patterns and population dynamics. Doctoral School of Life Sciences, Health, Agronomy, Environment (SVSAE). Thesis supervisor : K. Chalvet-Monfray (VetAgro Sup), Co-supervisor : T. Hoch.

See the thesis.

De Joybert Manon - Contract Study Engineer

Huang Yu-Lin - Study Engineer

He worked on computer programming (development and deployment of applications), as part of the project MIHMES.

Laguzet Laëtitia - Post-Doctorate

Malher Xavier - Professor of Zootechnics and Rural Economics DGER

He was coordinator of the Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Studies in "Health and Quality Management in Poultry and rabbit production".

Merlin Aurélie - PhD Student

Thesis "Optimizing the use of antiparasitic drugs in breeding heifers to prevent the risk of emergence of resistant digestive strongles populations: development of a sustainable selective treatment strategy" - Oniris Nantes (École doctorale Biologie Santé). Thesis supervisor: Christophe Chartier. From 01/02/14 to 31/01/17.

See the thesis.

Sautier Marion - Post-Doctorate

She was working on the project PSDR Sant'Innov on reducing the use of antibiotics in the young cattle sector. In particular, it has mobilized participatory research methods to develop, with professionals in this sector, a coordination tool for concerted management of animal health.

Seegers Henri - President Centre INRA Angers-Nantes

Viautour Quentin - Contract Study Engineer

Within the framework of the MIHMESproject, Quentin Viautour joined BIOEPAR on 01/11/2016 until 30/09/2017 as a contract Research Engineer at INRA. He worked on the development and deployment of decision support tools for the MIHMES project.

Viet Anne-France - Research Fellow INRA

She worked primarily on issues of coupled economic-epidemiological modelling to integrate on-farm health management decisions into epidemiological models.

As part of the project

Modification date: 27 October 2023 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: AC