PhD students training

PhD students training

The unit is attached to the PhD school Plant, Animal, Food, Sea, Environment (VAAME) since January 2023. Its doctoral supervisory capacity now covers 19 HDR ("Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches").

The unit is very committed to the training of doctoral students: 16 theses have been supported since the beginning of 2017, 17 PhD students are currently supervised. For the supervision of the scientific project, most often, the management team associates 2 (or even 3) scientists who bring complementary skills to the student. In a third of cases, it is a co-supervision with a scientist from another unit, which gives the doctoral student a research experience in different contexts.

The PhD students training policy in the unit is based on a framework that takes into account their professional project, an incentive to enroll in training adapted to their needs, an incentive to present their work in congress to ensure their inclusion in the scientific community, and a scientific animation in the unit whose specific actions are dedicated to them. Theses in the unit are supported most often in 36 or 37 months.


See also

Modification date: 06 December 2023 | Publication date: 16 February 2017 | By: ML