
MedVetFQ: Zoonotic risk: state of play, representations and attitudes of doctors and veterinarians - the example of Q fever in Brittany

In a context where more than 60% of the 1500 pathogens currently identified can be transmitted from animals to humans, it seems important that the management of zoonotic infectious health risks be the subject of close collaboration between veterinarians, doctors and public health agencies. The challenges of this collaboration are to improve the assessment and management of the health status of individuals in direct contact with animals and of the general population.

The hypothesis explored in this project is that the objectification of the importance of zoonotic risk, combined with knowledge of the representations and attitudes of veterinarians and physicians with regard to zoonotic risk, will provide a better understanding of how to design an appropriate system for the prevention and control of risks in humans.

The objectives of the project are to :
  • to quantify the importance of the zoonotic risk linked to Q fever for humans, by estimating, in three distinct populations (farmers, rural veterinary practitioners, general adult population), the prevalence of humans carrying antibodies to Coxiella burnetii in a territory where infection in cattle is endemic,
  • describe the representations of veterinarians and physicians with regard to zoonotic risk

UMR INSERM 1246 SPHERE - Leila Moret


François Beaudeau - francois.beaudeau(at)

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 01 June 2017 | By: AC