Alumni 2020

Alumni 2020

Drouet Adèle - PhD student

Adèle Drouet, a graduate of Agrocampus Ouest, joined BIOEPAR on February 4, 2019 as a university doctoral student after working for two years in an agricultural cooperative as a pig production advisor. She left the unit in January 2020. She was supervised by Mily Leblanc-Maridor, Catherine Belloc and Camilo Charron (psychologist at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes) to work on the links between the temporal dynamics of (i) the farmer-veterinary trust relationship and (ii) compliance with recommendations. Beyond the description of the confidence-observance relationship, she worked on the levers to improve this confidence relationship and thus the observance of the recommendations.

Helleu Erwann - Assistant Engineer

As a member of the APPUI team, he was in charge of the maintenance of the servers, the workstations of the members of the unit and the network. 

Mancini Mathieu

Matthieu Mancini was a student at the INSA of Lyon. After an exchange year in Sherbrooke, he did his M2 internship for 7 months around the African Swine Plague modeling challenge (PPApred, DSA INRAE funding) organized by the DYNAMO team (@AsfMod), and worked with Pauline Ezanno and Sébastien Picault, in interaction with Timothée Vergne (ENVT), on the production of synthetic data for the participants and the analysis of model predictions proposed in return by these same participants.

Marinier Vincent

Graduated from a DUT in Biological Engineering in 2018, joined BIOEPAR in November 2019 on a Technician fixed-term contract, helping with field sampling, performing coproscopies and immunological analyses in bovine parasitology as part of the Grazy Daizy project.

Sigrist Louane

Louane Sigrist joined BIOEPAR in February 2020. She was a student in Biotechnology/Bioinformatics (Ecole Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg). She completed her 6-month M2 internship under the supervision of Claude Rispe, to analyze transcriptomic sequencing data in the tick Ixodes ricinus, in order to estimate and analyze the genetic diversity of this species.

Simon Florian

Florian Simon arrived in the summer of 2020 as a system administrator. His work consisted of maintaining and developing the UMR's information system, managing the unit's computer equipment and meeting the computing needs of BIOEPAR members. 

Modification date: 27 October 2023 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: AC