Economic Reasoning for Improved Animal Health (ERIAH)

The ERIAH network aims to gather a community around economic issues in animal health and bring out innovative research projects.
Why such a network?
  • Numerous and scattered initiatives
  • Weak coordination on research orientations
    • Research VS field
    • Research VS research
  • Favorable context for concerted action
    • Increasing societal concern
    • International academic communities/societies under construction
  • Definition of sharp and shared scientific questions and goals
  • Co-construction of fruitful economic research projects
What is at stake?
  • Develop a common vision of economic issues of interest in animal health...

...for a mutual enrichment in order to strengthen the dynamism of this field of research:

    • Animal health context as a field of application for economics issues
    • Economic research for a better understanding of animal health issues
Inter/trans-disciplinary research is a long-run and in-depth work
  • Shared knowledge on AH issues and on definitions
  • Shared understanding of what economics can bring
  • Get mutual benefits from the co-construction of research projects

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Arnaud Rault :

Didier Raboisson :

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 05 July 2023 | By: ML