Projets passés

Projets et travaux terminés



  • AEROFISH: Study of Aeromonas spp. infection in pond fish farming and salmon farming in Pays de la Loire region 
  • ATOM: Automatisation of the software process from epidemiological models to decision support tools
  • Economic efficiency of control action: This thematic field aims to identify the brakes and levers concerning a choice made among different options of control strategies as well as to evaluate the cost-benefit ratio in order to provide professional and/or public decision-makers with relevant information
  • Alter for fish (A2F): Efficacy and safety of alternative(s) to antibiotics for farmed fish (Ecoantibio 2 project: 2018 - 2020)
  • AVENIR: Food Valorization and Nutrition Insect Research. Development of a technical itinerary for the breeding of insects and the development of insect-based ingredients on an industrial scale
  • ANTIBIOFISH: Aims to describe the evolution of antibiotic resistance of Aeromonas and Yersinia ruckerii strains isolated from diseased fish over the last 40 years
  • CADENCE: ANR - 2016-2021. Propagation of epidemic processes on dynamic animal movement networks with application to cattle in France
  • COLISEE: Control of avian colibacillosis in broiler farms
  • EcoXtractProtéines: Une extraction des huiles végétales plus écologique pour une nutrition animale plus saine
  • EMPIEL: Entrainement immunitaire de Monocytes de Porc In vivo par des Extraits de Levure
  • ENTAIL: Advancing joint health monitoring by organic farmers and their vets through video ethnography
  • EQUIBIO: "Maintaining the Balance: Concept and Approach for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Ruminant Farming", a project funded under the GISA meta-programme
  • ERIAH: Le réseau ERIAH (Economic Reasoning for Improved Animal Health) a pour vocation de rassembler une communauté de chercheurs venant de diverses disciplines autour des questions d’économie de la santé animale. Il réunit une grande part des économistes francophones dont les recherches empiriques ont trait à la santé des animaux de production et s’ouvre à la fois aux chercheurs en sciences vétérinaires, aux économistes d’autres domaines, et à l’international
  • Evaluating a control strategy: The objective of modelling at the scale of a metapopulation is both to better identify the key parameters involved in the spread of pathogens between herds and also to predict ex-ante the expected efficacy of different disease control strategies at the population level
  • Health risk factors: The identification of risk factors and quantification of their effects on the occurrence of health disorders, including exposure to pathogens, is critical for the development of appropriate control measures against enzootic and/or multifactorial diseases
  • Q fever: Coxiella burnetii, agent of a topical zoonosis: Q fever. a) Public health issues, b) Animal Health Issues, c) Socio-economic issues
  • FORESEE: Virus-host-environment interaction and factors leading to the emergence, spread and persistence of pathogens: Rift Valley Fever (RVF) as a case study (INRAE funding, GISA meta-program)
  • GenTORE: Precision Phenotyping for Efficient Animal Agriculture
  • Grazy DaiSy: Technical and health evaluation of new ways of driving dairy heifers with adults in organic farming
  • Linseed: Linseed to boost cow performance
  • HealthyLivestock: Reduction of antimicrobial use in the pig and broiler industry in China and Europe (Project H2020)
  • Host and vector heterogeneity: The susceptibility of a host to a pathogen and the shedding of that pathogen may vary between individuals and over time within an individual. In addition, the contact structure between hosts may be heterogeneous in time and space. This research theme is dedicated to the determination of the influence of host and vector population heterogeneity on the dynamics of pathogen propagation
  • Disease impact: Longevity, growth, reproduction, milk production are all parameters potentially impacted clinically or subclinically by diseases
  • IMPRO: Impact matrix analysis and cost-benefit calculations to improve management practices regarding health status in organic dairy farming
  • IResPig: Immune response in the context of co-infections with respiratory pathogens in pigs
  • BVD: Control of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVD) infection in cattle
  • Paratuberculosis: Paratuberculosis is a frequent infection in cattle herds, causing serious economic losses due to culling/death and reduced zootechnical performance of the affected animals
  • MARIAGE: Economic impact of reproduction in dairy cattle breeding. Automated monitoring of reproduction: innovations and applications for dairy cattle breeding
  • Medic'EAU: Optimisation of antibiotic dosage data and vaccine administration conditions with a view to improving their efficacy in the strategy for controlling furunculosis in sustainable fish farming
  • MedVetFQ: Zoonotic risk: state of affairs, representations and attitudes of doctors and veterinarians - the example of Q fever in Brittany
  • Métaprév: Prevention of metabolic and infectious disorders of the peripartum in dairy farming: key factors and means of control during the dry period
  • MIHMES: Multi-scale modelling, from animal Intra-Host to Metapopulation, of mechanisms of pathogen spread to Evaluate control Strategies (financement PIA-ANR-FEDER Pays de la Loire)
  • OSCAR: In agricultural landscapes where cattle farming occupies a large area, pastures are adjacent to natural ecosystems frequented by diverse wildlife that share many common pathogens with cattle. The passage of these pathogens is possible via disease vectors such as ticks, which are the main disease vectors in Europe due to their role in human and animal health. In addition, these landscapes are changing in particular as a result of global changes, especially changes in land use
  • Park Community: Ticks and pathogens transmitted in the context of a zoological reserve dedicated to cervids/bovines
  • PICSAR: Evaluation of strategies for the control of bovine paratuberculosis integrating genetic selection, biosecurity and exposure management in livestock farming
  • Predictions of epidemiological and economic models: The objective is twofold: a) to master modeling and model analysis tools to study/parameterize complex models, b) understand the influence of model assumptions on model predictions in animal health epidemiology and economics
  • PPApred: Predicting the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) at the wildlife / pig farming interface (Funding: DSA, INRAE)
  • RedAB: Rationalizing the use of antibiotics in cattle farming with innovative tools for training and advice
  • Reproscope: Economic Impact of Dairy Cattle Breeding
  • RESIST3A: Resistance Antibiotics Aquaculture Alternatives Environmental integration of fish farms; sanitary context and antibiotic resistance; development of pilot approaches and prevention Flavobacteriosis
  • ROADMAP: Rethinking of Antimicrobial Decision-systems ​in the Management of Animal Production
  • Robustinfer: Combine and estimate: towards a reduction in data complexity for a better calibration of large-scale dynamic epidemiological models
  • SAEB: Le réseau SAEB (Santé Animale en Elevage Biologique) a été créé fin 2012 dans le cadre du méta-programme Gestion Intégrée de la Santé Animale dans le but de favoriser le développement des recherches dans le domaine de la santé animale en Agriculture Biologique
  • SANT'Innov: Innovating in animal product chains to reconcile greening and competitiveness: animal health perspective
  • STOC free : Surveillance Tool for Outcome-based Comparison of FREEdom from infection
  • Respiratory disorders: In the Pays de la Loire region, beef production from young uncastrated male cattle is highly developed. Grouped together in buildings from the age of 6-8 months, respiratory disorders being the first health problem
  • UMT Cattle Health: The UMT "Controlling the Health of Cattle Herds" is a research and development project-team, created in 2008, and located mainly within the UMR ONIRIS-INRA Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health BIOEPAR. It was renewed in 2013 for a new 5-year project
  • VAGABOND: Use of geolocation for the optimization of cattle grazing
  • Informative value of the tests: In order to conduct descriptive and analytical epidemiological studies, it is necessary to have reliable tools for the fine measurement of health states
  • Xenobio-tick: Sequencing the transcriptome of ticks for the development of new acaricides