Alumni 2015

Alumni 2015

They left us in 2015:

Billon Didier - Study Engineer

Bouju-Albert Agnès -Training and Research Technician

Brahim Mohamed-Lemine - PhD student

Thesis: "Role of deer movement and landscape characteristics on tick population dynamics" Oniris Nantes (Doctoral School of Biology and Health). Thesis supervisor: F. Beaudeau.

Bruneau Léa - PhD student

Thesis: "Zoonotic risk: state of play, representations, current attitudes and expectations of veterinarians and doctors - the example of Q fever in Brittany". She was supervised by François Beaudeau and Leïla Moret (PU-PH of Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine of Nantes).

She was with us from 04/05/15 to 31/12/17.

Camara Camaldine - PhD student

She was accepted at the UMR BioEpAR as part of her veterinary thesis on the subject "Statistical characterization of herd health equilibrium and imbalance states based on production data".

She was with us from 1 December 2014 to 30 September 2015.

Chanvallon Audrey - Engineer (Institut de l’Élevage - UMT)

Dezetter Charlotte - PhD student (ESA)

Thesis: 'Evaluation of the value of cross-breeding between dairy cattle breeds' ESA Angers. Thesis supervisor: H. Seegers.

See the thesis

Ferrer Savall Jordi - Post-Doctorate

Joly Alain - Research Engineer (GDS)

Lal Dutta Bhagat - PhD student

Thesis: "Spatial and temporal modelling of the propagation of a pathogen in a bovine metapopulation: application to bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV)" Oniris Nantes (École doctorale Biologie Santé). Thesis supervisor: P. Ezanno.

See the thesis

Lhermie Guillaume - PhD student(Vétoquinol)

Thesis: "Protocols for the treatment of infectious bovine bronchopneumonia using short-acting antibiotics and preservation of therapeutic efficacy in animal and human health" Oniris Nantes (École doctorale Biologie Santé). Thesis Director: H. Seegers

See the thesis.

Pagot Diane - PhD student

She was welcomed at the UMR BioEpAR as part of her veterinary thesis on the subject of "the adaptation of the BVD decision support tool for users". She was with us from 1 February 2015 to 31 August 2015.

Pandit Pranav - PhD student

Thesis: "Propagation of Coxiella burnetii, agent of Q fever, between dairy cattle herds: evaluation by modelling" Oniris Nantes (École doctorale Biologie Santé). Thesis supervisor: F. Beaudeau.

see the thesis

Roussel Philippe - Engineer (Institut de l’Élevage - UMT)

Samedi Carole - Contract Study Engineer

Schleicher Marielle -  Intern

Marielle Schleicher, was accepted for an Oniris end-of-study internship (engineering curriculum, "Health Biotechnologies" course at UMR BioEpAR. She worked on "Development of a method for measuring triglycerides in the tick Ixodes ricinus in order to estimate their age". She was supervised by Olivier Plantard (UMR BioEpAR) and Fabrice Monteau (Laberca). She was with us from 23/03/15 to 18/09/15.

Modification date: 27 October 2023 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: AC