Highlights 2021: Living Lab Prudent use of antibiotics in pig and poultry farming

Highlights 2021: Living Lab Prudent use of antibiotics in pig and poultry farming

BIOEPAR members share with you their highlights of the year 2021. A year still marked by the pandemic, but one in which the members of our laboratory have been very active! Each week we will share a highlight of the past year!

A Living Lab bringing together the Ministry of Agriculture (DGAl), veterinary authorities (order, trade union, technical organisations) and the interprofessions and technical institutes of the French pig and poultry sectors was set up within the framework of the H2020 project ROADMAP (Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision systems in the Management of Animal Production, https://www.roadmap-h2020.eu). The ImpresS ex ante method developed by CIRAD facilitates the participatory process to define the scope of the group's action and to build strategies that will enable progress to be made towards a virtuous use of antibiotics (towards 'better' rather than just 'less') and that will guarantee the health and well-being of the animals, the sustainability of these sectors and of the veterinary network on the territory. The selected strategies will be validated in collaboration with other stakeholders (distributors, consumers). This work is in line with national and European measures governing the use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine (Ecoantibio plan, One Health interministerial roadmap, regulatory obligation to report data on the sale and use of antibiotics) and will be integrated into the construction of the Ministry of Agriculture's EcoAntibio 3 plan.

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Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 19 January 2022 | By: CB