INRAE is recruiting at BIOEPAR

INRAE is recruiting at BIOEPAR

We are seeking for highly motivated candidates for three post-doc positions in mechanistic modelling opened in DYNAMO team (BIOEPAR research unit, INRAE, Oniris, Nantes, France)

Dear colleagues,

We are seeking for highly motivated candidates for three post-doc positions in mechanistic modelling opened in DYNAMO team (BIOEPAR research unit, INRAE, Oniris, Nantes, France), in the frame of on-going EU projects.

The selected candidates will join a dynamic and enthusiastic team of researchers and engineers who are at the forefront of epidemic modelling. These positions offer a unique opportunity to collaborate with leading European teams and contribute significantly to groundbreaking projects.

Find attached a full description of each of the three positions and indications on how to apply.

- Multiscale epidemiological modelling: interactions between within-host infection dynamics and epidemics (Horizon Europe, WiLiMan-ID project, 24-month position)

(Download the post-doc profile)

- Large scale epidemiological modelling for improving animal disease surveillance and monitoring (EUP AHW, SOA10 & SOA15, 18-month position)

(Download the post-doc profile)

- Combining mechanistic model and early warning to support decision making in animal health (H2020, DECIDE project, 12-month position)

(Download the post-doc profile)

Best wishes,

Pauline Ezanno


Modification date: 21 May 2024 | Publication date: 15 May 2024 | By: PE