Alicia Dessis-Caley

Alicia Dessis-Caley

Apprentice UMR 1300 BIOEPAR Team TIBODI Adress : Oniris site de la Chantrerie Building G2 CS 40706, 44307 Nantes

Alicia Dessis-Caley has joined the TIBODI team at the BIOEPAR unit for a year, from September 2024 to August 2025. She has been recruited as part of an apprenticeship in the L3 pro BSA (Biotechnologies in Food Health) offered by the UFR des Sciences et Techniques in Nantes. Supervised by Maggy Jouglin and Olivier Plantard, she will be working on the QUIFOH project. This project involves studying the prevalence of Francisella tularensis (the pathogen responsible for tularemia in humans) in 5,000 ticks collected in the Quimper region, in order to answer the question: Are ticks involved in the eco-epidemiology of tularemia? To do this, she is going to develop molecular biology techniques to detect the pathogenic agent she is looking for.

Alicia can be contacted at her INRAE address:

Modification date: 14 October 2024 | Publication date: 22 January 2024 | By: ADC