MARCOPOLO - MAcRobraChium Opportunités Pays de la LOire

Study on the opportunity of farming Macrobrachium rosenbergii in the Pays de la Loire region


The giant prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii is a tropical freshwater species originating from South East Asia. The first farming trials carried out in the French overseas departments and territories by IFREMER date back to the late 70s and 80s. With temperatures rising because of climate change, the aim of this MARCOPOLO opportunity study is to verify the benefits of seasonal development of shrimp farming in the Pays de la Loire as part of a diversification of pond fish farming.

Description of project

The aim of this feasibility study is to verify the benefits of seasonal development of giant freshwater shrimp farming in the Pays de la Loire region as part of a diversification of pond fish farming. As this is a so-called exotic species within the meaning of Regulation 708/2007, all preventive measures will be proposed, even though it is not listed as invasive (Thévenot & Noel, 2015). Four main aspects will be addressed in this study: regulatory, health, market and zootechnical, with initial in situ trials at regional aquaculture colleges. Further action will depend on the conclusions of this study.


  • SMIDAP : Syndicat Mixte Aquaculture Pêche Pays de la Loire (leader)
  • Lycée O. Guichard, Guérande
  • Oniris & Inrae
  • LPA Haut Anjou C. Gontier
  • VLB Aquaculture


Persons involved in BIOEPAR

Ségolène Calvez, Céline David, Lionel Pineau


Ségolène Calvez :


The results obtained at the trial sites in Guérande and Château-Gontier show that summer production of the freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii is possible in the Pays de la Loire region under certain regulatory and technical conditions. Production sites will have to meet the criteria for closed aquaculture facilities (Regulation (EC) No 708/2007). Some pond allotment centres could be eligible for this type of production.

Growth performance was good, despite rather cool summer weather conditions, particularly at one of the sites, with an average final weight of 19.05g and a survival rate in excess of 70%. The implementation of grow-out trials on 2 sites showed the importance of the nature of the substrate (bottom of the pond and its initial fertility).

At the best-performing site, around 50 kg of shrimp were harvested from 900 m2 of pond, which could lead to yields of 500 to 600 kg/ha in our region.

A survey was carried out among 40 regional fish farmers. At least 7 seem to be interested in this new production, bearing in mind that certain technical and economic conditions must be met, such as a minimum available tank surface area of around 5,000 m2 to generate significant income. As for potential demand for shrimp, the results of the survey carried out during the "discovery and tasting" days show that the consumers and restaurateurs tested are very, very satisfied with the product. Althrough the local origin is highly appreciated, price remains a key factor in the purchase decision. This could vary depending on the size of the shrimp, with an average price of €25/kg. This price could be boosted to €30/kg for Gambas, i.e. large prawns weighing more than 25g.


Other information

Photos de têtes de lots

Figure : photos de têtes de lots à J90 (2-3 g), à J115 (11-12 g), à J140 (19 g) et à J180 (39 g)