Cerqueira de Araujo Alexandra

Cerqueira de Araujo Alexandra

Post-Doc UMR 1300 BIOEPAR Adress: Oniris site de la Chantrerie, CS40706, 44307 Nantes, France Team TIBODI, building G4 2nd floor Email: alexandra.cerqueira-de-araujo@inrae.fr Tel:

Alexandra Cerqueira de Araujo is a PostDoc, employed by INRAE, who works on tick genomics with Dr. Claude Rispe at the BIOEPAR unit (Oniris, Nantes, France). She obtained her PhD in 2022, at the University of Tours in the insect biology research institute (IRBI, Tours, France), under the supervision of Pr. Elisabeth Huguet and Dr. Thibaut Josse. During her PhD, she studied virus domestication in parasitoid wasps, using molecular biology and bioinformatic approaches (thesis title: Viral symbiosis evolution in Campopleginae parasitoid wasps).

Modification date: 08 December 2023 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: ML