The African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) poses a threat to pig farms

The African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) poses a threat to pig farms: during the 2018-2019 period, it caused the death of approximately 300 million pigs in China. The virus's spread to new parts of the world, including Europe, highlights the urgent need to develop ways to control this disease.

Live attenuated vaccines represent the most promising approach. However, significant challenges remain. First and foremost, the scientific community critically needs cell lines that are susceptible to the ASFV. Currently, the most widely used model is the culture of primary alveolar macrophages, which is not a viable option for the mass production of vaccine strains.

The PIGCELLS project aims to develop a ready-to-use solution by leveraging the power of single-cell RNA sequencing to identify new cellular factors required for virus replication, as well as active antiviral pathways in different cell models. This new knowledge will be used to develop novel porcine cell lines.


  • Ferdinand Roesch (CR INRAE, ISP, Nouzilly, coordinator)
  • Bertrand Pain (SBRI)

Involved people in the unit :

Person contact :

Nicolas Bertho (CR) : nicolas.bertho@inrae.fr