
CaDeNCE: animal movements and epidemiology [ANR].

CaDeNCE: animal movements and epidemiology [ANR].

Propagation of epidemic processes on dynamic cattle movement networks

Infectious animal diseases are major public health and animal health issues, affecting in particular the sustainability of farming systems. Commercial movements of animals are widely involved in their widespread spread, favouring the persistence of so-called enzootic diseases, and the re-emergence of diseases in free regions.

The CaDeNCE project, "Propagation of epidemic processes on dynamic animal movement networks with application to cattle in France", is funded by the ANR for 5 years. It is led by Elisabeta Vergu of the INRA MaIAGE unit (Jouy-en-Josas). The objective is to develop, through multidisciplinary approaches, knowledge and methods to improve the control of infectious diseases of cattle spread via the trade of animals between farms.

Six scientists from UMR BioEpAR are contributing to this project through their expertise in epidemiology, health economics and modelling. The research is largely methodological, with however applications to major infectious diseases of cattle, including diseases at the heart of BioEpAR's research issues.

CaDeNCE involves the collaboration of four partners with complementary fields of activity:

  • MaIAGE Unit " Mathematics and computer science applied from genome to environment ", INRA, Jouy-en-Josas (coordinator)
  • UMR BioEpaR "Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health", INRA/Oniris, Nantes, France
  • LSan " Animal Health Laboratory ", ANSES, Maisons-Alfort
  • UMR CMAP "Centre de mathématiques appliquées", Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS, Palaiseau.


Scientific contact :

Associated Departments : Santé animale, Mathématiques et informatique appliquées

Associated Centres : Angers-Nantes Pays de la Loire, Jouy-en-Josas

Associated Centre(s) :

Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 28 September 2016 | Redactor : AC