EAFP bi-annual day

Review of the bi-annual day of the French branch of EAFP, organised by BIOEPAR

About forty EAFP members met last month at Oniris for the EAFP day. The programme included presentations, discussions and visits to the aquaculture station.

The European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP) was founded 47 years ago to promote the exchange of knowledge in the field of fish and shellfish pathology. It holds international meetings every two years, interspersed with national branch meetings.
This year, BIOEPAR had the pleasure of organising the day of the French branch of the EAFP at Oniris, Nantes. About forty specialists met for a day rich in exchanges. The day, introduced by Ségolène Calvez, head of the APPIFISH team, consisted of a series of presentations, punctuated by a visit to the aquaculture station.

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