FAN-AQUA": bridging France and Serbia with higher education in AQUACulture

FAN-AQUA": building bridges between France and Serbia with higher education in AQUACulture

The first meeting in the framework of the "FAN-AQUA" project took place in March 2022. This project, funded under the French government's "ES-BALK" programme, aims to build bridges between France and Serbia with higher education in AQUACulture,

As a first step, BIOEPAR project members Nora Navarro-Gonzalez and Ségolène Calvez travelled to Serbia in March, where the first live meeting with representatives of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Dr Miroslav Urošević from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dr Jasna Grabić, member of the Department of Water Treatment, was held.

On the same day, Nora Navarro-Gonzalez and Ségolène Calvez presented two lectures at the Faculty of Agriculture called:

1) Aquaculture production: focus on France

2) Diseases of rainbow trout under farming conditions

The next day, visits to ponds in western Serbia and the Petnica research station were organised.

In May, the Serbian members of the project came to France to visit the BIOEPAR premises, the aquaculture hall and to discuss the ongoing projects of the APPIFISH team.