Highlights 2020: A renewed partnership with Senegal in animal epidemiology

Highlights 2020: A renewed partnership with Senegal in animal epidemiology

It's time for a retrospective: the year 2020 has been greatly affected by the health crisis, but the daily life of the unit has been punctuated by many events that have allowed us to maintain a link between the members of the laboratory, and to continue to move forward together. Each week, we will share a highlight of the past year!

A partnership with the Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA), Laboratoire National d'Elevage et de Recherches Vétérinaires (National Laboratory for Livestock and Veterinary Research), initially facilitated by CIRAD, is gradually becoming a long-term project. A model had previously been developed on the population dynamics of tsetse flies, vectors of human and animal African trypanosomiasis. This model benefited from laboratory and field data from the partner laboratory on the species Glossina palpalis gambiensis in the Niayes region, a coastal area north of Dakar with an ongoing vector control project [1]. Currently, work is being carried out on Rift Valley fever (RVF) in northern Senegal, and a new model has made it possible to quantify the epidemic potential in the Ferlo region and the Senegal River valley and delta [2]. A visit was made to the Momar Talla Seck laboratory and a field mission allowed us to meet transhumant herders to better understand their itineraries and eventually characterise the impact of the mobility of their herds on RVF transmission. The recent recruitment of a modeller, Mamadou Ciss, by ISRA, will allow the remobilisation of these models for future work.

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