Highlights 2020: IVAN, a diagnostic aid system for bovine autopsy

Highlights 2020: IVAN, a diagnostic aid system for bovine autopsy: the (not so) artificial intelligence that makes the dead talk

It's time for a retrospective: the year 2020 has been greatly affected by the health crisis, but the daily life of the unit has been punctuated by many events that have allowed us to maintain a link between the members of the laboratory, and to continue to move forward together. Each week, we will share a highlight of the past year!

Animal autopsy is a highly technical veterinary procedure, essential for regulatory and therapeutic purposes. IVAN is an innovative decision support tool, in the form of a WEB application, for veterinarians performing autopsies on cattle. IVAN uses artificial intelligence (AI) methods to assist the veterinarian. From general data on the animal, IVAN suggests a list of organs to focus on, looking for lesions that it can help identify. The suggestions at each stage of its reasoning are ranked according to their probability and submitted to the practitioner for validation. This makes the AI-guided process explicit for the user (no "black box" effect) and allows the veterinarian to control the entire diagnostic chain. The system then lists the morphological diagnoses likely to correspond to the lesions and finally proposes the possible diseases, always in order of probability. IVAN can also suggest additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. IVAN is a unique and powerful assistant that provides significant help to the veterinarian in the autopsy process. All the steps of these deductions are based on AI methods (Bayesian networks), trained by the data collected for several years by Autopsy Service at Oniris.


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Modification date : 11 September 2023 | Publication date : 31 May 2021 | Redactor : AC