RNA vaccines

Advantages, disadvantages, risks... What you need to know about RNA vaccines, by François Meurens

An article to read on "The Conversation".

What are the advantages and disadvantages of RNA vaccines? Can RNA vaccines change our genomes? Have mRNA vaccines been developed too quickly?

François Meurens, immunologist and virologist at BIOEPAR answers these questions in an article published on The Conversation

Read the full article (in French): https://theconversation.com/avantages-desavantages-risques-ce-quil-faut-savoir-sur-les-vaccins-a-arn-152333

The Conversation is an independent media that aims to bring the voice of teacher-researchers into the public debate and to inform the news with reliable, research-based expertise. 

Modification date: 05 January 2021 | Publication date: 05 January 2021 | By: AC