Team Dynamo present in Rennes for BioHasard conference

Team Dynamo present in Rennes for BioHasard conference

Four members of the Dynamo team presented their work at BioHasard conference held in Rennes from 26th to 29th August 2019 to share last advances and open new research avenues in probabilistic biological processes.

Four members of the Dynamo team presented their work at BioHasard conference held in Rennes from 26th to 29th August 2019 to share last advances and open new research avenues in probabilistic biological processes. International invited speakers included Linda Allen (Texas Tech University), Vrushali Bokil (Oregon State University), Hélène Guérin (Université du Québec à Montréal) and Maria E. Orive (University of Kansas).

Gaël Beaunée: Inference for a metapopulation model via composite-likelihood approximation

Floor Biemans: A stochastic model of the within-herd transmission of paratuberculosis in an Irish dairy herd

Hélène Cecilia: Epidemic potential of Rift Valley fever in a Sahelian setting

Sébastien Picault: A mechanistic model for comparing detection methods and control measures in Bovine Respiratory Disease


Modification date: 12 September 2019 | Publication date: 12 September 2019 | By: AC