Where are the vets?

Fight against the coronavirus: but where have the veterinarians gone?

An article to read on "The Conversation."

In the current context of the fight against the coronavirus, find the point of view of François Meurens, professor of immuno-virology in BIOEPAR. In particular, he describes how the experience of veterinarians in health crisis management can shed light on the current situation. He also retraces the willingness of French veterinarians to get involved to support doctors and hospital staff and the major medical advances that have come out of the veterinary field.

Read the full article: https://theconversation.com/lutte-contre-le-coronavirus-mais-ou-sont-passes-les-veterinaires-137279

The Conversation is an independent media that aims to bring the voice of teacher-researchers into the public debate and to shed light on current events through reliable, research-based expertise.. 


Modification date: 13 May 2020 | Publication date: 13 May 2020 | By: AC