

11 September 2023

By: AC

Aerial spread of Q fever

Wind speed and prevalence in the neighbourhood jointly contribute

11 September 2023

By: AC

13/10/2015 Bluetongue reappearance

INRA has just put online a special report on bluetongue, a disease that has just re-emerged in central France. It compiles, in particular, work carried out by UMR BioEpAR during the 2007-2010 epidemic.

11 September 2023


An award for a PhD student of the unit

Scotland's Rural College Award is given to best oral presentation in annual meeting of Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine to an early career scientist

11 September 2023

By: AC

A new model to predict the spread of BVDV in suckler cattle herds

BioEpAR has developed a new model to predict the spread of BVDV in lactating cattle herds.

11 September 2023

By: AC

26/01/2015 C++ Training Session

A training session in C++ was organized in Nantes from January 12 to 15, 2015.

11 September 2023

By: AC

02/06/2014 Coxiella burnetii infection in dairy cattle herds - increased risk associated with contiguity between herds and animal purchases

Infection with Coxiella burnetii (Cb), the agent responsible for Q fever (for Query fever), occurs mainly after inhalation of aerosols contaminated by ruminant excreta. The spread of Cb between ruminant herds may result from transmission due to contiguity between herds and/or the introduction of infected excretory animals into healthy herds. Infection control strategies (vaccination, pre-sale testing of animals, ...) should be adapted to the predominantly identified route of transmission.

11 September 2023

By: AC

14/05/2014 Progress of the European project IMPRO

Le projet de recherche IMPRO, lancé début octobre 2012, vise à améliorer la santé des vaches laitières en élevage agrobiologique en apportant des approches innovantes pour améliorer les pratiques sanitaires. Ainsi, la méthode ‘Impact Matrix’ a été testée en élevage cet hiver par l’équipe EPID.

11 September 2023

By: LM

2014/04/16 Sequencing of 7 Babesia genomes from 3 species : BioEpAR is in

One of the research interest of the group VIP of BioEpAR is Babesia divergens, a bovine zoonotic Hemoprotozoan parasite in Europe.

11 September 2023

By: LM

2014/04/16 A fruitful collaboration with the Pasteur Institute - Ixodes ricinus as a vector of the lyme disease agent

In our research unit, ticks, and especially the european tick Ixodes ricinus, are a central research subject. I. ricinus is indeed the vector of numerous pathogens for human as well as livestock. The understanding of fondamental mechanisms concerning the transmission of these pathogens as well as their interactions with the vector are key aspects for these vector-borne pathogens.

11 September 2023

By: AC

24/03/2014 Focus on Babesiosis

For its 7th show, France-Lyme is doing a focus on Babesiosis, a disease transmitted, like Lyme disease, by ticks. To tell us about it, the guest is Mrs. Laurence Malandrin, a researcher at INRA.

11 September 2023

By: AC

07/08/2013 Performance of Dairy Cows and Bluetongue - Benefit/risk of Vaccination

The emergence of bluetongue serotype 8 (BTV-8) in Northern Europe in 2006 caused economic losses in cattle farming. Vaccination was implemented in France without prior assessment of the benefit/risk ratio.
 Pancytopénie Néonatale Bovine

11 September 2023

By: AC

08/03/2013 Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia update

Oniris CHV Since 2006, a new syndrome called Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP) has appeared in different European countries (Théron et al., 2010). Although the pathophysiological mechanisms are now better understood thanks to recently published work (Foucras et al., 2011, Deutskens et al., 2011) and recent epidemiological studies reinforce the hypotheses put forward (Sauter-Louis et al., 2011), many unknowns remain. An epidemiological investigation is currently under way in the EPID team of the UMR BioEpAR to determine the risk factors for the occurrence of the disease at both individual and herd level. This is a case-control survey conducted jointly in France (EPID team coordination), Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, coordinated by the Royal Veterinary College of London. This study is being carried out with the financial support of Pfizer SA. The objectives of the study are to determine the risk factors of the disease at farm and animal level, to determine the risk factors of low incidence (1 or 2 cases) versus high incidence (several cases) at farm level, and to investigate the prevalence of sub-clinical animals in affected farms. The recruitment phase has now been completed (after recruitment of 196 cases from 169 farms), and analyses are in progress.