Levers for reducing the use of antibiotics in pig farming

Levers for reducing the use of antibiotics in pig farming

Our work on reducing the use of antibiotics in swine breeding

Our work on the reduction of antibiotic use in pig farming carried out at national and European level has contributed to a better quantification of uses and understanding of their determinants. It has also highlighted the importance of identifying, after a relevant diagnosis of the state of health of the animals on a farm, the ad hoc measures to be applied and the conditions for their technical and economic effectiveness.

Bibliography :

Collineau L, Belloc C, Stark K, Hémonic A, Postma M, Dewulf J, Chauvin C. (2016). Guidance on the selection of indicators for quantification of antimicrobial usage in human and animals. Zoonoses and Public Health.  doi: 10.1111/zph.12298.

Postma M, Backhans A, Collineau L, Loesken S, Sjolund M, Belloc C, Emanuelson U, Grosse Beilage E, Stark K, Dewulf J (2016). The biosecurity status and its associations with production and management characteristics in farrow-to-finish pig herds. Animal 10(3):478-89. doi: 10.1017/S1751731115002487.

Visschers VHM, Backhans A, Collineau L, Loesken S, Nielsen EO, Belloc C, Dewulf J, Emanuelson U, Siegrist M, Sjölund M, Stärk KDC. (2016). A comparison of pig farmers’ and veterinarians’ perceptions and intentions to reduce antimicrobial usage in six European countries. Zoonoses and Public Health doi: 10.1111/zph.12260.

Postma M, Backhans A, Collineau L, Loesken S, Sjolund M, Belloc C, Emanuelson U, Grosse Beilage E, Okholm Nielsen E, Stark K, Dewulf J (2016). Evaluation of the relationship between the biosecurity status, production parameters, herd characteristics and antimicrobial usage in farrow-to-finish pig production in four EU countries. Porcine Health Management, 2 : 9 doi: 10.1186/s40813-016-0028-z.

Visschers V, Postma M, Sjolund M, Backhans A, Collineau L, Loesken S, Belloc C, Dewulf J, Emanuelson U, Grosse Beilage E, Siegrist M, Staerk K. (2016). Higher perceived risk of antimicrobials is related to lower antimicrobial usage among pig farmers in four European countries. Vet Record, doi: 10.1136/vr.103844.

Sjölund M, Postma M, Collineau L,  Loesken S, Belloc C, Emanuelson U, Grosse Beilage E, Stark K, Dewulf J. (2016). Quantitative and qualitative antimicrobial usage patterns in farrow-to-finish pig herds in Belgium, France, Germany and Sweden. Prev Vet Med, 130 : 41-50.  doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.06.003.

Fortané N, Bonnet-Beaugrand F, Hémonic A, Savy A, Samedi C, Belloc C. (2015). Learning processes and trajectories for the reduction of antibiotic use in pig farming : a qualitative approach. Antibiotics, 4 : 435-454, doi: 10.3390/antibiotics4040435.

Postma M, Sjolund M, Collineau L, Losken S, Stark K, Dewulf J and MINAPIG consortium (Andreasen M, Backhans A, Belloc C, Collineau L, Dewulf J, Emanuelson U, Grosse Beilage E, Liesner BG, Kork CA, Lindberg A, Losken S, Postma M, Seemer H, Sjolund M, Stark K, Visschers V). (2015). Assigning defined daily doses animal: a European multi-country experience for antimicrobial products authorized for usage in pigs. J Antimicrob Chemother 70 : 294-302. doi: 10.1093/jac/dku347.

Postma M, Stark K, Sjolund M, Backhans A, Grosse Beilage E, Losken S, Belloc C, Collineau L, Iten D, Visschers V, Nielsen E, Dewulf J. (2015). Alternatives to the use of antimicrobials in pig production: a multi-country expert ranking of perceived effectiveness, feasibility and return on investment. Prev Vet Med. 119: 10-20. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.01.010.

Visschers V, Backhans A, Collineau L, Iten D, Loesken S, Postma M, Belloc C, Dewulf J, Grosse Beilage E, Siegrist M, Sjolund M, Stark K. (2015). Perceptions of antimicrobial use, antimicrobial resistance and policy measures to reduce antimicrobial usage in convenient samples of Belgian, French, German, Swedish and Swiss pig farmers. Prev Vet Med, doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.01.018.

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 27 June 2017 | By: AC