Fernando Saldana

Fernando Saldana

Postdoctoral UMR 1300 BIOEPAR DYNAMO Team Adress: Oniris site de la Chantrerie Building G4, 2nd floor CS 40706, 44307 Nantes

Fernando Saldana is an applied mathematician with a two-year master's and a four-year PhD obtained at the Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas (CIMAT), Mexico.

The Mexican National Science Foundation (CONACYT) funded both his master and his Ph.D. studies with a full-time scholarship for highly talented students. In 2018, he also won a scholarship to spend 5 months of international mobility at the Centre de Reserca Matematica (CRM) in Barcelona. He also have three years of postdoctoral experience, one year at UNAM Mexico and two years working as a postdoctoral fellow at the Basque Center for Applied Mathamatics, Spain. His research interests lie in applying mathematical and computational methods to analyze systems that arise in public health, ecology, and population dynamics. In particular, its main focus has been on developing mechanistic Kermack-McKendrick-type (compartmental) models to study both, theoretical aspects of disease spread and more applied aspects such as forecasting hospital demand. His mathematical toolbox to analyze such models includes optimal control theory, bifurcation analysis, and global sensitivity analysis e.g. Sobol's method or partial rank correlation coefficients (PRCC).

Fernando can be contacted at her INRAE address: fernando.saldana@inrae.fr

Keywords : Applied mathematics; Infectious disease modeling; Mechanistic models; Mathematical biology