Maéva Quilleré

Maéva Quilleré

Doctoral Student UMR 1300 BIOEPAR APPIFISH Team Adress: Building G4, 1st floor Oniris site de la Chantrerie CS 40706, 44307 Nantes

Maéva Quilleré has joined the APPIFISH team to begin a CIFRE university thesis on vaccination against lactococcosis and furunculosis in rainbow trout. This research project is supervised by Emmanuelle Moreau, with co-supervision from Hubert Gantelet of CEVA Biovac, and aims to respond to major issues in aquaculture health.

With a degree in Biological Engineering (IUT), a bachelor's degree in Life Sciences and a master's specialising in animal experimentation research, Maéva was able to enrich her training with internships at various institutions such as ANSES and INRAE.

During her Masters 2 placement in the dog genetics team at the IGDR, Maéva contributed to the identification of the RETREG1 gene, involved in a sensitive neuropathy in the Spitz. This work led to a publication in the journal "Animal Genetics", confirming her interest in applied animal health research.

She can be contacted at her e-mail address: