Pierrick Lucas

Pierrick Lucas

Research Engineer UMR 1300 BIOEPAR Team TIBODI Adress : Oniris site de la Chantrerie Building G2 CS 40706, 44307 Nantes

Pierrick Lucas is a bioinformatician who joined the TIBODI team on November 1, 20243 He will work closely with Claude Rispe on tick genomics, with the APPIFISH team on issues related to antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture environments, and with the IMMUNOCARE team on gene expression data.

With a professional degree in Analytical and Experimental Biology specializing in Plant Studies, Pierrick worked at a Nantes-based startup focused on microalgae cultivation before resuming his studies. He then pursued a master's degree in bioinformatics at the University of Nantes, which included an internship at INRAE (BIA unit) and a professional contract at IFREMER in Brest.

Subsequently, he worked at ANSES in Ploufragan on the agency's sequencing platform. His tasks included analyzing NGS data by developing Snakemake workflows on a computing cluster, creating Django applications, and maintaining a Galaxy platform.

He is located in G2, TIBODI corridor, and can be contacted at his email adress : pierrick.lucas@inrae.fr