Salma Ettahri

Salma Ettahri

Doctoral Student UMR 1300 BIOEPAR DYNAMO Team Adress: Building G4, 2nd floor Oniris site de la Chantrerie CS 40706, 44307 Nantes

Salma Ettahri joined INRAE October 14th of this year, as a doctorate in the DYNAMO team, under the direction of Sébastien Picault (DYNAMO team). This Ph.D. is co-supervised with ANSES, by Mathieu Andraud and Morgane Salines (EpîSaBE team). Her research topic is about the Modelling of Viral Interactions in a Structured Herd Organizational Pattern: Application to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and hepatitis E viruses.

Salma has a master's degree in mathematics, course research and innovation, from the University of Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier. She is registered at the doctoral school of ecology, geoscience, agronomy and alimentation (EGAAL), she is mostly working on EpiSaBE site and she will sometimes go to BIOEPAR (Nantes) during her thesis. Her internship for the master's thesis was done in collaboration of University of Montréal (Canada), on the subject of Modelling the electrical consumption in Québec, using Bayesian inference tools.