Dorso Laëtitia

Dorso Laëtitia

Research Engineer UMR 1300 BIOEPAR Adress: Oniris site de la Chantrerie, CS40706, 44307 Nantes, France Team PEPS, building G3 2nd floor Email: Tel: +33(0) 2 40 68 40 29

 Trained as a veterinarian (Nantes, 2005), Laëtitia has continued her studies with:

  • a Master 2 in biology, biotechnology and therapeutic research
  • 3 years of residency in pathological anatomy sanctioned by a European diploma issued by the European College of Veterinary Pathology (ECVP 2009).

From 2011 to 2014, she completed a doctoral thesis (PhD) on alpha radiotherapy in a mouse cancer model (breast cancer, myeloma) at the CRCINA in Nantes (Inserm).

Since 2014, she has been a hospital practitioner at the Oniris CHUV and is responsible for the autopsy department and representative of transversal services (imaging, anesthesia, radiotherapy and autopsy) within the CHUV office.

She is passionate about autopsy and animal histopathology and hosts a Facebook group (Vet'Autopsie Nantes:, reserved for veterinarians, dedicated to the discussion of real cases.

She is also interested in animal e-health and more particularly in the development of veterinary telemedicine, subjects developed within the framework of the Oniris Chair of Telemedicine, of which she is an integral part ( In March 2020, she joined the INRAE / ONIRIS BIOEPAR research unit within the PEPS team in order to study and evaluate digital tools and methods for veterinary diagnostics (Dexter-e-T project for tele-expertise in autopsy via connected glasses and IVAN project, software to aid diagnosis in bovine autopsy, integrating AI).

Research Themes
  • bovine
  • autopsy
  • histology
  • study and evaluation of digital veterinary diagnostic tools and methods
Chair of Telemedicine website

Her profile on ResearchGate

Her profile on Linkedin

See also

Laëtitia Dorso's publications on HAL INRAE

Modification date: 09 February 2024 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: AC