Raphaël Guatteo
Guatteo Raphaël

Raphaël Guatteo

Professor DGER UMR 1300 BIOEPAR Adress: Oniris site de la Chantrerie, CS40706, 44307 Nantes, France Team PEPS, building G3 2nd floor Email: raphael.guatteo@oniris-nantes.fr Tel: 02 40 68 28 00

Raphaël Guatteo is a professor of bovine medicine and health management at Oniris. After graduating in 2000, he worked in cattle clientele and then joined Oniris to do a university thesis on the epidemiology of Q fever in dairy cattle. A lecturer since 2007, he has been a professor since 2016 in cattle herd medicine and health management. His teaching activities include medical and therapeutic education (individual and herd level), epidemiology, anaesthesia and analgesia. He is responsible for the department of farm animal health and public health and is in charge of the final year production animal course and the internship/residency course in cattle health management. His research activities are aimed at (i) evaluating the informative value of diagnostic tests or evaluation methods (infectious diseases such as Q fever, Digitised Dermatitis (DD), paratuberculosis, hypocalcaemia, monitoring tools, assessment of cattle welfare) and to (ii) develop and evaluate control measures or control plans for infectious diseases (Q fever, paratuberculosis, neosporosis) and production diseases (mainly DD lameness, metabolic disorders) mainly in dairy cattle. After having been president of the European College of Bovine Herd Health Management (ECBHM) he is now secretary of the European Board for Vetrinary Specialisation (EBVS) and elected to the board of governors of the World Association for Buiatrics.


  • Leader of the Mixed Technology Unit "Bovine Herd Health Management" (project team between UMR Oniris-INRA1300 BioEpAR and the Institut de l'Elevage) (2010-2016)
  • Supervisor of the training of internship in bovine clinic and residency in bovine health management
  • Supervisor of the 5th year of the Production Animal Sector
  • Head of the Department of Livestock and Public Health
  • Past-president of the European College of Bovine Health Management (ECBHM)
  • Secretary of European Board for Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS)
Research Department

Animal Health

Teaching Department

Farm animal health and public health

  • DMV, Msc, PhD
  • Certificate in Animal Experimentation Level 1
  • Diploma ECBHM (European College for Bovine Health Management)
  • Diploma ECAWBM (European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine)

Research topics interests

  • Epidemiology
  • Infectious and multifactorial diseases
  • Clinics
  • Animal welfare
  • Cattle
Teaching topics interests
  • Bovine Medicine
  • Anaesthesia and pain management in cattle
  • Population Medicine
  • Epidemiology
Others responsabilities
  • Service within the ruminant clinic (diagnosis of referred cases, farm visits)
  • Continuous training of veterinary practitioners
  • Leader of the Mixed Technology Unit "Bovine Herd Health Control" (project team between UMR Oniris-INRA1300 BioEpAR and the Institut de l'Elevage)
  • Secretary of EBVS
  • Member of board of governors of World Association for buiatrics
  • Board member of International Association for Paratuberculosis






See also

Raphaël Guatteo's publications on HAL INRAE

Modification date: 23 November 2023 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: ML