Caroline Hervet
Hervet-Limousin Caroline

Hervet-Limousin Caroline

Research Engineer INRAE UMR 1300 BIOEPAR Adress: Oniris site de la Chantrerie, CS40706, 44307 Nantes, France Team IMMUNOCARE, building G5 1st floor Email: Tel: 02 72 20 29 69

After five years of experience in various public service research laboratories in immunology and genetics, Caroline Hervet joined INRA in 2007 as a research technician in molecular biology within the GenAqua team of the Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology Unit (GABI) in Jouy en Josas (78). She contributed to the mapping of new genetic markers for rainbow trout, and participated in the study of the rainbow trout genome in order to search for disease resistance QTLs, while providing assistance in the field during sample collection and infection control. She has also been the Quality correspondent for the GenAqua team since 2011.

In parallel to these missions within INRA, Caroline Hervet pursued various university degree courses (immunology, haematology, molecular biology) and completed a Master II in signalling and integrated systems in biology at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in 2010.

In 2015, she joined the UMR BIOEPAR in order to contribute her expertise in molecular biology and participate in the improvement of the knowledge of the genome and transcriptome of the tick i within the TIBODI team.

In 2018, she joined the IMMUNOCARE team to participate in studies on the understanding and analysis of interactions between viral respiratory pathogens in the pig species. Today she manages the cell culture laboratories, carries out the maintenance of cell lines, the amplification of porcine viruses and their titration while participating in different projects of in vitro infection and co-infection studies. For the past 6 years, she has been leading the UMR's Quality group, informing and raising awareness of the approach among the unit's members, setting up a sample management system and monitoring metrology within the UMR.

Research Themes 

  • Molecular Biology
  • Cell culture
  • Immunology
  • Virology
  • Quality
  • Prevention

See also

Caroline Hervet's publications on HAL INRAE

Modification date: 09 February 2024 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: AC