Relun Anne

Relun Anne

Lecturer in Bovine Medicine DMV, PhD, Dip. ECBHM UMR 1300 BIOEPAR Adress: Oniris site de la Chantrerie, CS40706, 44307 Nantes, France Team PEPS, building G3 2nd floor Email: Tel: 02 40 68 40 27

I graduated from the National Veterinary School of Nantes (Oniris) in 2003. After working as a general practitioner at mixed practices in Western France for almost 4 years, I undertook a PhD (2009-2011) at Oniris on the assessment of control for bovine digital dermatitis. I then moved to the Institute of Research for Development (CIRAD, Montpellier, France) and UC Davis (California, US), to analyse the movement of pigs in different European systems, and thus improve surveillance and control programs of infectious diseases, including African Swine Fever (supervision: Pr Eric Etter et Pr Beatriz Martinez-Lopez). In 2015, I undertook a residency program at Oniris under the supervision of Pr. Raphaël Gatteo and became a specialist in bovine herd health management (ECBHM) in 2019. Since 2018, I’m a lecturer in cattle medicine at Oniris. I‘m involved in teaching medicine and surgery in cattle, clinical service for animal and herds referred by veterinary practitioners, and research. My main research interest is on the evaluation of innovating measures to better detect and control endemic diseases, with a focus on cattle lameness, through field-based epidemiological studies.

Key-words: bovine medicine; veterinary epidemiology; lameness; animal welfare; monitoring

Research Department

Animal Health

Belonging teaching department

Farmed animal health and public health

  • DMV
  • CEAV PARC (Animal Pathology in Hot Regions - Epidemiosurveillance)
  • DIE "Beekeeping Pathology"
  • Certificat du CESAM (Statistics in Epidemiology) (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI)
  • PhD
Research Themes
  • Animal Epidemiology
  • Evaluation of control strategies
  • Evaluation of detection methods
  • Observational studies
  • Clinical Trials
  • Endemic bovine diseases
  • Boiteries
  • Animal Welfare
Teaching themes
  • Individual Medicine and Bovine Surgery
  • Population medicine in cattle

Modification date: 24 November 2023 | Publication date: 27 October 2023 | By: AC