
12 September 2019

By: AC

Team Dynamo present in Rennes for BioHasard conference

Four members of the Dynamo team presented their work at BioHasard conference held in Rennes from 26th to 29th August 2019 to share last advances and open new research avenues in probabilistic biological processes.

11 September 2023

By: AC

SPACE 2019

UMR BIOEPAR will be present at SPACE (Salon International de l'Élevage) from 10 to 13 September 2019 in Rennes with meetings and conferences.

11 September 2023

By: AC

The Sant'Innov PSDR project and the Laboratoire d'Innovation Territorial Ouest Territoires d'Elevage at the Agri Innovation 2019 Summit 25-26 June Normandy

450 participants from all over Europe gathered in Lisieux to exchange on European agricultural innovation projects. Among them, the PSDR Grand Ouest Sant'Innov project and the Laboratoire d'Innovation Territorial Ouest Territoires d'Elevage (West Territorial Livestock Territories Innovation Laboratory).
Réseau de relations de voisinage et mouvements commerciaux

11 September 2023

By: AC

Endemic Livestock Disease, Trade & Neighbourhood

An article to be found on the INRA website.

11 September 2023

By: ML

THURSDAY 23 MAY in PARIS: RedAb: Which innovative ways to reduce antibiotics in ruminants?

Come and discover the day of restitution of the RedAb project, on May 23rd at the CNIEL in Paris. Innovative tools to support changes in practices among breeders and raise awareness in training courses. Critical views and deployment.

11 September 2023

By: AC

EcoAntibio SIMV 2018 Research Award

The EcoAntibio research prize was awarded by the SIMV to Lucie Collineau, doctoral student in the BIOEPAR unit, for one of her publications in the context of her thesis defended in December 2016: Quantify, explain and reduce antimicrobial usage in pig production in Europe.

11 September 2023

By: AC

Reproscope web tool is online

Reproscope is a web-based tool on the reproductive performance of cows and helps to set breeding goals in the herd.

11 September 2023

By: AC

The Inra Pays de la Loire centre at the Salon de l'Agriculture from 23 February to 3 March 2019

A team of researchers and technicians from UMR BIOEPAR will be on hand to help run the INRA stand on the theme of "The Secret Life of Plants and Animals". Through numerous animations, you will be introduced to the modes of communication and interactions that exist between plants, animals and micro-organisms.

11 September 2023

By: AC

The scientific day of the Sant'innov project "Organisation of sectors and animal health" on 26 March 2019

The scientific day of the Sant'innov project will take place on March 26, 2019 at Oniris - Chantrerie site - Nantes
Le porc, nouvel allié des chercheurs en immunologie © Shutterstock

11 September 2023

By: ML

Pig, a new ally for immunology researchers

Immunology research is a discipline aimed at understanding the immune response, a complex defence reaction involving different organs. In recent years, researchers studying it have found a surprising new ally: the pig. Elise Bordet, François Meurens and Nicolas Bertho present the lessons learned from pig research. A testimony and a sharing useful to understand the interest of these studies, based on a good knowledge of the biology of the species.

11 September 2023

By: AC

24th edition of the Meetings on Ruminant Research - 3Rs

These scientific days co-organized by INRA and the Institut de l'Élevage were held on 5 and 6 December 2018 at the La Villette Convention Centre in Paris. It is a major meeting place for research, development and the field to ensure the dissemination of innovations at all levels for players in the ruminant sector.

18 February 2020

By: ML

EMULSION: an expert-friendly language for designing and exploring mechanistic epidemiological models

Complex mechanistic epidemiological models are powerful methods to understand and predict pathogen spread at multiple scales

11 September 2023

By: AC

Olivier Plantard's conference on "Ticks: arachnids addicted to blood meals" - Nantes

Olivier Plantard, INRA research director at UMR BIOEPAR, will give a lecture at the Nantes Natural History Museum on Tuesday 20 November 2018 at 8.30 pm.

11 September 2023

By: AC

Which genes are expressed in ticks?

High-speed transcript sequencing in the tick Ixodes ricinus

11 September 2023

By: AC

Newsletter Sant'innov 2

Reducing the use of antibiotics in breastfeeding cattle: read more in the newsletter of the Sant'innov project

11 September 2023

By: AC

The first French MOOC dedicated to "farm animal welfare" soon available

Contribution of one of the centre's units to the first French MOOC dedicated to "farm animal welfare".

11 September 2023

By: AC

Coordinate for better control

Guiding individual animal health control decisions improves the collective health situation.

11 September 2023

By: AC

SPACE Conference: In the West, something new for grazers

UMR BIOEPAR led a series of exchanges at SPACE in Rennes as part of the Santinnov project.

11 September 2023

By: AC

Vector-borne disease control strategies

Modelling approach applied to Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever transmitted by a tick

11 September 2023

By: AC

Newsletter Sant'innov

A new newsletter for the Sant'innov project

11 September 2023

By: AC

PhD Defense

Mrs. Poizat Axelle will defend her doctoral thesis in the discipline Biology, Medicine, Health - Doctoral School on the following subject: