
11 September 2023

By: AC

The press is talking about PiroGoTick!

The PiroGoTick project, launched in May 2020, is making headlines in the press!

05 November 2020

By: AC

BIOEPAR's participation at the 3R

The "Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants" is a congress co-organised by Inrae and Institut de l'Élevage and combines the presentation of scientific and technical results, current topics, meetings between research and the field. The 25th edition of the 3Rs, scheduled for 2 and 3 December, will be entirely digital.

08 October 2020

By: AC

François Meurens at Les Utopiales, International Festival of Science-Fiction

In 2020, the festival will contemplate the road traveled to try to find our traces in the dust of time. Phenomena, events, civilizations, cultures and individuals always have consequences that mark their immediate or distant environment. They are all traces.

11 September 2023

By: AC

Nicolas Helsens' thesis defense (BIOEPAR-SECALIM)

Nicolas Helsens will defend his thesis on 5 November at 2 pm at Oniris on : Characterization of bacterial communities and antibiotic resistance profiles in rainbow trout fillets

11 September 2023

By: ML

Georges Saade's thesis defense

Georges Saade will defend his thesis on January 29, 2021 at 10 am - Amphithéâtre Godfrain - La Chantrerie - Nantes à Oniris on : Co-infections of porcine respiratory cells and tissues by the influenza A virus and the porcine respiratory and dysgenic syndrome virus

11 September 2023

By: PG

BIOEPAR presents its brand new software library!

Find all our softwares on the same page!

11 September 2023

By: AC

SPACE 2020 online: BIOEPAR at the webconference with the AEI Chair!

This year, the 2020 edition of the international exhibition of animal productions will be held online from 15 to 18 September.

16 June 2020

By: AC

François Meurens talks about bats in Les Jours d'Après, the deconfined health podcast

Studying bats to better defend against viruses? This is the question asked by health journalist Laura Chatelain.

05 June 2020

By: AC

Contamination in slaughterhouses: Intervention by François Meurens on France Info

Following a large number of SARS-CoV-2 contaminations in slaughterhouses, several experts were invited for an exchange on France Info on 18/05/20. Among them, François Meurens, virologist-immunologist at BIOEPAR.

04 June 2020

By: AC

George Saade at the Labo des Savoirs

George Saade, doctoral student in his last year at BIOEPAR, was invited by the Labo des Savoirs to explain his thesis work in the radio program Capsule de Science.

11 September 2023

By: AC

The contrasting lessons of veterinary coronavirus vaccines

Vaccines against coronaviruses have been developed to try to protect dogs, cats and pigs. What were the results?

11 September 2023

By: AC

Participatory Research: National Launch of PiroGoTick

PiroGoTick, a national participatory scientific research project on piroplasmosis and horses.

11 September 2023

By: AC

Epidemiological modelling and its use to manage COVID-19

Light on the mechanic models by the DYNAMO team

13 May 2020

By: AC

Fight against the coronavirus: but where have the veterinarians gone?

An article to read on "The Conversation."

11 September 2023

By: zoonoses, intensive animal husbandry, antibiotic resistance, ecosystems

Biodiversity and health: what is the relationship between intensive livestock farming and zoonoses?

Intensive animal livestock farming, accelerator of zoonoses: a dossier to be found online on Libération.

11 September 2023

By: AC

A new contribution from François Meurens, virologist and immunologist at BIOEPAR

Vaccine and coronavirus: an interview with François Meurens, Professor of Immunology at UMR BIOEPAR. He provides his expertise on the subject in an article published in "Le Télégramme" on 17 April.

02 April 2020

By: AC

Covid-19: Measuring the immune response to better detect the virus

In the context of the current crisis linked to the SARS-Cov2 virus, responsible for the Covid-19 disease, François Meurens, Professor of Immunology at BIOEPAR, brings his expertise on the subject to the readers of Ouest France.
ModStatSAPS Logo

11 September 2023

By: AC

ModStatSAP: 9th Symposium on Modelling and Statistics in Animal and Plant Health in Nantes

The 9th Symposium on Modelling and Statistics in Animal and Plant Health will take place in NANTES on Tuesday 17 March 2020. It will be preceded by a workshop session organized by CATI IMOTEP on the afternoon of 16 March.

11 September 2023

By: AC

A new graduate of a European College trained at Oniris

Anne Relun, Associate Lecturer in farm animal medicine, is now a European specialist.

11 September 2023

By: AC

BIOEPAR at Les Utopiales, International Festival of Science-Fiction

Come and share a friendly and playful moment with the members of the BIOEPAR laboratory at Les Utopiales, from 31-10-19 to 03-11-19 in Nantes!

11 September 2023

By: AC

Defense of HDR

Mr Thierry Hoch will support his Habilitation to Conduct Research (HDR) in the speciality of Epidemiology, Risk Analysis, Clinical Research.